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Colors of Holi

A Full Moon balancing mystery and pragmatism

Vasant Purnima is the full moon celebrating the colours of spring. For those who celebrate I wish you a very happy Holi!

(I strategically timed my arrival in India to be a couple of days later as the boisterous playing with colours quickly turns into a nightmare for Western women!) *

Before I go, join me on Friday 18th for this month’s Full Moon Meditation online, where we will also celebrate the Sun’s astrological birthday (this year happening on its very own day – Sunday, March 20th) the Spring Equinox!

This Full Moon is on the Tropical Virgo-Pisces axis representing physical and mental health, grounded practicality and imagination and spirituality. The moon is opposite the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter (closely together in Pisces for the first time since 1856!), and in a supportive trine aspect to transformational Pluto. So it’s worth keeping a few things in mind…

Don’t jump to conclusions

Remain as long as possible in the questioning stage – “Are you sure?” is the greatest mantra for our times! Things are not as they seem, and although this energy is wonderful for spiritual and creative pursuits, it’s much trickier on the ground as we can be rather too optimistic or dreamy or deluded in our assessment of people and events.

If you’re reading this it’s because something about being superficial doesn’t sit right with you. Old habits die hard now – but die they must – and we struggle to integrate our inner desire with the pressures of our society, culture, and family.

Until we resolve this inner battle, trying to live in integrity and without hypocrisy in this deeply hypocritical world will be difficult.

Even worse than being badly informed is being badly educated

A good education teaches critical thinking, an openness to understanding multiple angles of any issue, and the recognition that explaining and understanding are not the same as condoning.

Recognising that we cannot know everything there is to know is a relief – it is liberating to declare ones ignorance! This allows us to keep probing and take our time before settling on what to do, or who is “right” or “wrong”.

Viveka – discernment – is the most important quality in life, giving us the capacity to make useful choices from the fog of uncertainty. It is a high spiritual practice, too.

During our Full Moon Meditation, before turning to the astrology of the moment, we will spend some time on how to take care of our stressful emotions and look at the importance of discernment so we can remain constructive in these extreme times.

Register here for tonight’s Full Moon Meditation

With much love and light,

* I will be there from March 20th until Easter weekend – contact me by email first if you would like to book an online appointment while I’m away.

Nurturing Transformation

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