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Moon Phases

A refreshingly Upbeat New Moon in Virgo

Today’s New Moon begins the annual Indian tradition of honouring ancestors known as Pitru Paksha.
Our bodies carry our ancestral DNA, which often means we spend at least some of our lifetime grappling with unresolved traumas and hardships.
While these might not seem to connect directly with our own life experience, we are still influenced by them, as witnessed in psychological patterns and life experiences that are repeated down the generations.
Including our ancestors – known and unknown – in our healing process helps us understand and release their influence on our lives. During this period of Pitru Paksha, we can symbolically and energetically heal our ancestors by nourishing and taking care of ourselves and others in need, working towards healing ourselves on their behalf and for all generations to come.
Rosh Hashanah is also celebrated as the sun sets today. The Jewish New Year is a time of forgiveness and fresh starts, both very welcome and needed these days. Best wishes for an abundant and peaceful year ahead for those who are celebrating!
The Sun and Moon together in Virgo form a nearly exact trine with Uranus in Taurus – this supportive energy promises some unexpected and novel results from whatever projects are initiated around this new moon. It will be interesting to see what comes of our plans once Uranus crosses this point again next April and is joined by the Sun on May 4th
With Mars in an exact trine to Pluto now, we will have the determination and drive needed to succeed at our goals, especially if the aim is to transform our life or a situation in some way.
Mars is also opposing Neptune around the time of this new moon is indicative of acting on our spiritual beliefs and the practices we might be inspired to take. Yet Neptune can tend to obscure or idealise what action we should take. If we are focused on being productive, we may find it challenging these days – am I alone in feeling so doggone tired lately?!
Venus is also in a beautifully supportive trine to Jupiter – two benefic planets giving us a ray of hope for something constructive and harmonious to emerge from the otherwise cloudy forecast ahead. Venus and Jupiter can also have us blow our allowance on trinkets, so bear that in mind. On second thought, YOLO!
Virgo is the sign of healing and healers, ranging from hypochondriacs to shamans to medical doctors, as well as service to others in all forms. Wouldn’t this be a great time to do a guided Ayurvedic Home Cleanse with me?! Bring a friend and do us all a favour!
Mars in Virgo can be very fussy, perfectionist, and demanding, and this imprints on the New Moon energy. As Mars shifts into Libra after September 14th, I suspect this lunar month ahead will show us clearly where we are both doing too much and compromising too much. Make sure that your “Yes” to others is not a “No” to yourself.

With much love and light as ever,

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