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She has been helping people transform their lives for well over two decades through yoga, mindfulness, āyurveda, and as a professional astrologer since 2012.
After discovering yoga in her hometown of Toronto in 1985, Susan began teaching in 1998 following her first yoga teacher training in Goa, India, in 1997. She qualified as a yoga therapist with the Yoga Biomedical Trust in London (now Yoga Campus) and with Mukunda Stiles, both in 2007. Susan has also studied Ayurveda and yoga therapy with Drs. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), A.G. Mohan and Vasant Lad since 2009.

Her most influential teachers have been the late Swami Veda Bharati of Rishikesh and Buddhist Zen Master the late Thich Nhat Hanh.

Susan has a BA in International Relations (University of Toronto), and an MA in International Politics (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

She moved to Brussels in 1991 for a career in international institutions (North Atlantic Assembly, European Commission), but soon her love of yoga and the healing arts took over after discovering the deep satisfaction of helping people tap into their higher potential and transform themselves through ancient wisdom teachings.

Susan is the author of Teaching Yoga in an Upside Down World (2019), a guide for teachers and yoga enthusiasts combining personal experience with practical knowledge that fills the gaps left by most Yoga Teacher Trainings. She is currently translating and expanding upon a French astrology book, to be published in Spring 2024.


Walking the path together

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Many people from numerous countries and backgrounds have found sessions with me useful and transformative