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Join Our Next Cleanse

Feel better fast with step-by-step support for a clear mind and a spring in your step!

Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

Your digestive health - the fire in your belly - determines the quality of your life

Do any of these complaints feel familiar to you?

indigestion, acid reflux/heartburn, feeling tired during the day (especially after meals),
brain fog, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, aches & pains, feeling heavy & clumsy,
mild depression, dental plaque, dull & dry hair, rough dry skin,
bloating & constipation, “love handles”, belly fat…

In fact, these symptoms can easily be resolved by simplifying and improving your diet and daily schedule!

Elena M.Belgium
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I am amazed looking at myself in the mirror - all the fat around my waist has gone and my belly is as flat as when I was 14. I did not want to lose weight and I don’t say this for the look. What I mean is that I am impressed at the change in such a short time and with not being able to follow by the book. Also I want to share that before starting I had planned to go see a doctor to ask for a sick leave as I felt I could not cope with my daily life. My energy is slowly but surely going up and I am doing pretty well with my activities.
Hélène D.Paris
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The knowledge shared by Susan is amazing. I was able to practise and experience how food and habits balance the body and mind. I lost about 2kg. My body is leaner and feels stronger, although it was not my goal to lose weight. I felt more grounded more confident.
Peter V.Brussels
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It was the invitation to focus on sticking to a steady, almost ritual daily schedule of self-care (sleep, switching off and abstaining from electronic devices, morning hygiene routine, skin care, regular food intake when hungry) that proved helpful. Prioritizing my own needs over outwardly imposed schedules and expectances. So it meant a shift of focus from food to overall daily routine management, and from digital content to engaging in simple real life activities like home & garden maintenance. It was the first time I took a change of seasons and its impacts seriously and felt like preparing for winter.
Silvia F.Varese, Italy
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I have less fat and feel lighter, stronger, with better energy. I lost lots of body water and my body shape looks much better now 🙂 I knew already that I had to moderate the intake of sweets and reduce snacking. The detox was a confirmation on how better my body feels when I do. The novelty was my interest now in ayurvedic food & recipes, as those recommended by course were delicious and I would like to learn more.
Marta S.Barcelona
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Thank you, Susan! I learned a lot and I feel this program has really changed unhealthy routines that I had since years. I feel now more aware of my body, and I’ve learned that eating in a healthy and natural way doesn’t mean not having pleasure in eating. I’ll continue to discover ayurveda in the next months for sure!
Massimo C.Italy
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I was considering to cut the consumption of meat down to once per week and I realised that is achievable. I was also quite surprised to see that I managed to go without eating bread and that coffee was speeding up my digestive system too much. Going to bed by 10 pm was very beneficial and made a great difference. It allowed me to reschedule my day and have more time in the morning to exercise and read.

Let me guide you to your own best health

Within just 14 to 28 days the Āyurvedic Home Cleanse will help you gradually and safely eliminate excesses and strengthen your digestive fire to increase immunity, vitality and mental clarity. Whether you feel depleted and stressed or want to shed a little weight, the change of seasons is the ideal period to re-balance your health. As the solar energy changes we also need to change by adapting to seasonal foods and habits that nourish the body while improving digestion.

Ayurvedic Home Cleanse
Purification doesn't mean
total abstinence from food

In fact, Āyurveda seldom recommends a total fast! Most often, fasting the Āyurvedic way is about reducing or eliminating certain foods, limiting meals, and restricting unnecessary activities. This allows for better digestion and supports our natural capacity to detoxify, so the body and mind can rest and recover from the usual daily grind.


This ancient practice of periodically reducing our food and mental intake is shown by modern research to increase human growth hormones and stem cells, something that only happens efficiently when we fast, rest, and sleep well. Because of this improved biological function, your energy actually increases when you eat less!

‘Stressed’ spelled backwards is desserts.
~ Loretta Laroche

Many of us develop unhealthy habits due to stress – sugar, alcohol, caffeine and other go-to addictions leave us physically depleted and lead to bigger imbalances over time. Even worse, they mask underlying emotional or psychological stresses that are begging for our attention.

When our overall health is good, we don’t need coffee or sugar in order to feel energized or alcohol to feel relaxed.
Unlike a Yogic diet, which is focused on spiritual practices, Ayurveda doesn’t exclude any substances and shows us how to consume them in a way that maintains a healthy balance.
Can you imagine drinking coffee without needing it?!

One of the Sanskrit words for fasting is “vrata”, meaning a resolve or a vow. It includes eliminating habits and behaviours as well as foods. When we meditate, it’s like fasting from thinking. We can fast from the news, from social media, from gossip, or from smoking and drinking – and doing so leaves us with more mental space and less chaos. A busy mind leads to poor digestion, which leads to dis-ease!

If you can say yes to any of the following, it's time to step back from unhealthy behaviours and reset your digestion:

Stress-related eating disorders have increased over the recent past, and many people have become aware of their unhealthy relationship with food, alcohol, and other numbing behaviours. During a cleanse, you will find the much-needed structure and courage to face unhealthy habits and learn how to look after yourself in sustainable and self-affirming ways.

How does it work in practice?

You will follow the programme according to your unique personal goals and health situation – established in consultation with Susan, if you would like to schedule individual consultations – yet within the context of online group sessions and daily informative videos that focus on the principles of cleansing, the effects of certain foods and the way we consume them on our body and mind, and practical daily routines which underpin the home cleanse.

In the first three days we begin eliminating unhelpful habits, foods, and behaviours, and learn the basic daily personal hygiene, gentle exercise, and breathing practices that speed up and support the detoxing process. The group will meet for one information session and one Q&A session each week. The short instruction videos and PDFs, along with the recordings of the group sessions will all be accessible online for the duration of the cleanse.

If you are doing the Home Cleanse to rebuild strength after a period of depletion or convalescence, you will maintain a simplified, nourishing diet throughout the duration of the cleanse, along with the daily health routines. Ayurveda calls this Rasayana, or a rejuvenation cure.

At the end of the Cleanse we will focus on emerging back into “normal” life with (new) everyday health habits, gradually adding back some of the foods we have been limiting. This transition stage is very important, so as not to undo the good results of the purification!

30 years of experience and knowledge packed into one transformational month!

Whatever your situation, I'll help you get the best out of the cleanse and teach you the foundational health principles you and your family can rely on for life!

To get the most out of this programme, expect to spend about 4 hours a week for online learning
via pre-recorded presentations and live Zoom sessions with the group.

Are you ready to join the next Guided Āyurvedic Cleanse from April 22nd to May 6th?

Join together with a friend to cheer each other on and you both save 10 percent!
Click here to contact Susan for the coupon code



A. Cleansing is a chance to reset our overall health, initially by giving our digestive system a rest either by taking a simplified diet or by restricting the amount of food we eat each day – or both – for a limited time. This builds willpower and clears the mind – our mood, thoughts, and quality of mind are directly linked to our digestive health – and helps us feel more creative and alive!

Most people who regularly detox and cleanse the digestive system don’t do it to shed weight, because the benefits go far beyond that. Cleansing keeps us instinctively in tune with our body and overall health, so we can intuitively respond to imbalances before they become dis-ease. The benefits of a cleanse are long lasting, so doing it once or twice a year is enough to maintain good health.


A. It’s true that there are a lot of short detoxes and cleanses out there, but they don’t factor in any transition time away from old habits and towards building new ones.

We will be spending time creating a sustainable daily routine that includes proper hygiene and eating habits, as well as learning how to prepare foods and how certain foods affect your body and mind.

Through gentle yoga sequences and pranayama (breathing) exercises, we will support the body and mind through the various phases of transformation.

We will also spend several days at the end of the cleanse to reintroduce “normal” foods, without undoing the benefits of the detoxing efforts we have just made!

If the 28 day cleanse is too long, you can try the 14-day cleanse instead. By maintaining the simple habits you learn in just two weeks you will compound the benefits of the changes you made to your health!


A. It’s easy to change habits and eat well when you’re far away from home in a holiday setting. But the best time to learn new healthy habits is in the midst of your everyday life!
In preparation for our four week home cleanse, we will decide on your individual programme based on your goals and current situation. Although the cleans is based on ancient health principles that everyone will be following, the methods for achieving your aims will be individualised and adjusted as needed throughout.
Some people are doing it because they feel depleted and need guidance to rebuild energy and find a healthier routine. Others want to shed some weight and find it hard to do alone – they want the regular support of a group and guidance to keep them on track with a predictable routine that will make daily life less chaotic.


A. Because everyone is on a different schedule, our sessions will be held at different times, spaced out through each week. Some sessions will be practical explanations of what is to be done over the next few days, and others will be practices that can be done at any time.
Each week there will be a group Q & A session timed to allow most people in the group to attend live. All of these sessions will be recorded and made available for viewing at any time online.
In the first and last weeks you will have a 20-minute individual session with Susan to address your goals and personal health issues.