Feel better Fast with an Ayurvedic Home Cleanse
Join me for a Free Session on Sunday September 5th to learn what to look out for and the various stages of health imbalances, and
Join me for a Free Session on Sunday September 5th to learn what to look out for and the various stages of health imbalances, and
Throughout life we are often afraid of change while simultaneously fearing things remaining as they are, largely because we put such emphasis on the outer (apparent) quality of life. It’s a terrible place from which to make decisions!
यमनियमासनप्राणायामप्रत्याहारधारणाध्यानसमाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि॥२९॥ Yamaniyamāsanaprāṇāyāmapratyāhāradhāraṇādhyānasamādhayo’ṣṭāvaṅgāni Yama (moral injunctions), Niyama (observances), Āsana (posture), Prāṇāyāma (regulation of the breath), Pratyāhāra (internalization of the senses), Dhāraṇā (concentration), Dhyāna (meditation) (and) Samādhi
अहिंसाप्रतिष्ठायां तत्सन्निधौ वैरत्यागः॥३५॥ Ahiṁsāpratiṣṭhāyāṁ tatsannidhau vairatyāgaḥ In the presence (sannidhau) of one who is established in (pratiṣṭhāyām) non-harming (ahiṁsā) (there is) cessation (tyāgaḥ) of hostility
How the Niyama – personal observances – of the Yoga Sutra can help us become better yoga teachers and role models. Purity is the foundation