Full Moon in Sagittarius – Testing Big Ideas
This full moon is the culmination of a period that began with the Sagittarius New Moon (and Total Solar Eclipse!) on December 14th, 2020
This full moon is the culmination of a period that began with the Sagittarius New Moon (and Total Solar Eclipse!) on December 14th, 2020
Part of a solid Yogic or Buddhist practice entails cultivating uplifting emotions when life feels challenging, or things seem to be falling apart around us.
Read how Saturn affects you according to your Ascendant, Sun, & Moon signs* Aquarius Since this is happening in your first house of Self, this
The first (total!) lunar eclipse in Scorpio occurs on 16 May from 04:27 to 07:55 CEST – subtract 2 hours for UTC. It’s likely that
We just started a new moon cycle under a turbo-transformative eclipse (the Taurus partial solar eclipse on April 30th), and the pace of change will
The moon in Tropical Aries is conjunct the Sun today (which is what makes it a new moon) as well as Chiron and Mercury.🌚🌝Healing self
This Full Moon is on the Tropical Virgo-Pisces axis representing physical and mental health, grounded practicality and imagination and spirituality. The moon is opposite the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter (closely together in Pisces for the first time since 1856!), and in a supportive trine aspect to transformational Pluto. So it’s worth keeping a few things in mind…
Today’s New Moon in Pisces is in the midst of one of the most intense astrological weeks of the year.
Venus and Mars recently began an unusually long dance with each other which strongly impacts the Full Moon in Leo (exact on Wednesday evening at
Shifting energy is a big theme at this Aquarius New Moon (February 1st at 06:46 CET) – there is quite a lot of potential for