Join Our Next Cleanse

Feel better fast with step-by-step support for a clear mind and a spring in your step!

Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

Feel better fast with an Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

Are you ready to join me for the next 28-Day Online Ayurvedic Home Cleanse? I originally organised the online cleanse as a one-off due to Covid travel restrictions, but the response has been so positive that I have continued to offer sessions for over a year, with many people coming back for more!

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Colors of Holi

A Full Moon balancing mystery and pragmatism

This Full Moon is on the Tropical Virgo-Pisces axis representing physical and mental health, grounded practicality and imagination and spirituality. The moon is opposite the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter (closely together in Pisces for the first time since 1856!), and in a supportive trine aspect to transformational Pluto. So it’s worth keeping a few things in mind…

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Magical Thinking

Palindromes and Garden Gnomes

Endlessly distracted minds are confused minds. Yesterday was February 22nd, or 22-02-2022 – a palindrome. Media of all kinds was pointing to it – with

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The masks we wear

The Masks we wear

Most often, we don’t know the effects of our actions, or our inaction (both of which can be called karma), until long afterwards – if at all! We have to use our imagination, or logical reasoning, to project into the future the sort of result we hope to achieve, yet the results of our actions are never certain due to countless factors far beyond our control.

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Gratitude for Thich Nhat Hanh

It’s difficult to express the gratitude I feel for Thich Nhat Hanh and his quietly powerful way of teaching Buddhist practices, which to me are the most helpful way to deal with our tricky minds.

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