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Solstice greetings!

Solstice is when the sun appears to stand still in the sky before seeming to change direction. The northern solstice occurs when the sun at

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The Value of Values

It seems like a quaint idea these days, but the values we live by are the foundation of our overall health.  When those values are

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At war with ourselves

Living on the razor’s edge as we have been now for several years takes its toll on our ability to discern right from wrong, truth

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Groupthink v. Discernment

Have you sometimes wondered why certain mass movements happen in the course of human history, characterised by behaviour or morality that seems to defy rational

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How can we cope with our world today?

We are all suffering because we have not recognised that contentment and happiness are internal, and not a result of external acquisition, conquest, or consumption, and this ignorance is causing immense suffering in every direction.

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Understanding Viveka

“Truth waits for the eyes unclouded by longing”. ~ Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching These intense and stressful times can so easily throw us off

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Colors of Holi

A Full Moon balancing mystery and pragmatism

This Full Moon is on the Tropical Virgo-Pisces axis representing physical and mental health, grounded practicality and imagination and spirituality. The moon is opposite the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter (closely together in Pisces for the first time since 1856!), and in a supportive trine aspect to transformational Pluto. So it’s worth keeping a few things in mind…

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