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Cucumber juice

Cucumber & Coriander Juice to beat the heat

This cooling Cucumber and Coriander juice recipe is from the Ayurvedic Home Cleanse recipe files

Coriander has cooling, anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful for calming any Pitta (excess internal heat) imbalance. Ayurveda recommends it for all dosha types during hot summer months.

Coriander cleanses, cools, and strengthens the liver and blood. It is also known for its powerful detoxifying action and its unique ability to remove heavy metals from the tissues (chelation).

Cucumber juice is rich in minerals that regulate blood pressure. It eliminates excess uric acid so helps to regulate the body’s pH levels, and prevents inflammation and conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout. Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, so are good for various skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and they provide the body with the necessary electrolytes for good
hydration and have a cooling effect overall.

This recipe makes 6 portions. It can be refrigerated for 24 hours, but is best taken fresh! Balancing for all three doshas (V-P-K)


• 1 litre of mineral or spring water
• 1 large bunch of fresh coriander (preferably organic)
• Half of a large cucumber
• Juice from 1 lime (or more if desired). Vata & Kapha can use lemon if preferred

Optional: Add 1 teaspoon of chlorella powder for added chelation (heavy metal toxin removal)
Optional for Vata and Kapha only: Add a small piece of fresh ginger root


  • Add the water (1 litre) to the blender.
  • Wash the Coriander thoroughly. Be sure to completely rinse out any dirt!
  • Once washed, coarsely chop the coriander leaves and stems.
  • Add the chopped cilantro into the blender.
  • Wash and lightly peel the cucumber (you can keep the skin if not too thick). Chop it into pieces and add it to the blender.
  • Add the lime juice.
  • Blend on high for 1-3 minutes (depending on your blender) until smooth.

If you have a high speed blender do not strain the juice to get the maximum benefit. If your blender is not quite as powerful and you prefer less fibre, a cheese (muslin) cloth or fine mesh strainer will give if a smoother texture. You can add the remaining pulp to soup or kitchari.

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