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Cupid, Venus, Love

Dancing with Venus and Mars at the Full Moon

Venus and Mars recently began an unusually long dance with each other which strongly impacts the Full Moon in Leo (exact on Wednesday evening at 17:57 CET/ 22:37 IST) when they meet up exactly for the first time since last July… when the Sun was in Leo! Something we starting exploring around our individual expression and personal needs (Leo) versus the collective or social situation is being reflected in this week’s Full Moon.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, Venus is at her brightest in the sky (peaking on Sunday morning)

Look for that brilliant beauty on February 13th over the Eastern horizon as of 6:30 AM in Northern Europe, or after 4:30 AM in Northern India. Soon afterwards, Mars will rise just below Venus, and if you have good eyes or a telescope, you will also be able to see Mercury and Pluto off to the left of them (but get up early because once the Sun rises it will be hard to see). This will be possible for the next couple of weeks but Venus will be a little less bright as days go by.

Venus just started an exceptionally long dance (tussle?! 😅) with Mars, but at least for now – Venus wins out

Many of us have been so torn apart and disrupted by the past couple of years that we were obliged to put at least a part of our lives on hold. But we can’t stay with that stagnant feeling for long – it can quickly evolve into feeling mired in fear. I see this in my own life where previously the spirit of adventure was very strong and wanting to try new things felt exciting, but now feels more daunting.

The next few weeks will strongly catalyse social and personal change, building to a powerful peak in the first week of March. Whatever pressure is brewing now will intensify until the 1st or 2nd of March, with the pressure starting to ease off after the 5th or 6th. The release of pressure allows us to see a clearer road ahead, for good or bad.

We will look at the important role of Pluto in the next couple of weeks, strongly triggered over the past few days exactly on the point of the USA’s natal Pluto, where is was at the time of it’s first war and natal DNA, the War of Independence.

If you want some objective understanding of your own dance/tussle, schedule a Relationship Astrology Reading with me. And if you want an original and impactful Valentine’s Day gift 💝 for that special person in your orbit, offer a Gift Certificate for a reading with me.

Always remember your most important relationship is with yourself!

The love you seek in others can’t fulfill an absence of love in you. Love is our inherent nature, and when we cultivate being love instead of trying to receive it from someone else, we are love and can live happily ever after!

Much LOVE to you this Valentine’s Day and always,

*the Fullest phase of the moon is on Wednesday, but as I will be starting the next Ayurvedic Home Cleanse that evening, we will meet the day before!

Nurturing Transformation

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