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Peas on Earth

Expanding into the Light

“Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.”
~ Helen Steiner Rice

After several days of roughly the same amount of daylight (within a minute)
during the dark days surrounding the Winter Solstice,
each year the days become noticeably longer again in the Northern Hemisphere
as of the 25th of December.
The pagan and indigenous traditions of celebrating the return to light
were co-opted by the Christian church several centuries ago,
and the story of an infant Christ born on this day became the dominant myth.
The nativity story itself has been told in many other cultures
before being told through the Christian lens.
The Sun represents Consciousness, the source of everything.
Nothing happens outside of consciousness, and in our little corner of the universe,
nothing would happen without the Sun.
When I reflect on the 1 in 400 trillion chance of being born
on (apparently) the only planet with a life supporting atmosphere
– thanks entirely to being exactly the right distance from our glorious star –
I feel immense Gratitude at this rare miracle.
And knowing we are all part of one Consciousness,
interdependent and mutually affected by the welfare of all beings,
living in Peace is the only way, as the “Prince of Peace” taught in his lifetime.
So whether you celebrate a mythical birthday or the rebirth of the Sun,
Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth!

Nurturing Transformation

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