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Full Moon Culminations – It’s almost over!

Today’s beautiful Full Moon is in a harmonious aspect to wise and expansive Jupiter, which adds to the energy of the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Sun shining on the Mercurial Moon in Gemini.
The moon also happens to be conjunct my natal 12th house Jupiter, in curious and spirit-minded Mrigashira Nakshatra, so I’ll be spending the day exploring deeper spiritual insights.
It’s the first time since late 2019 that a Gemini moon has not been eclipsed, so we should be able to enjoy a clear expression of its symbolism – understanding whether the facts and details we’re learning now actually support what we believe to be true.
Travel features strongly in the Gemini-Sadge axis, and this Full Moon illuminates the impact of what was developing around the Sagittarius New Moon two weeks ago – which is now affecting travel plans for many around the world.
Interestingly, that uneclipsed Full Moon of 12/12/2019 happened just as Venus, Saturn and Pluto joined up in Capricorn – which was one of the triggers of the ominous events that have been plaguing us ever since (ahem!).
This year, Venus and Pluto have met up again in Capricorn – it‘s exact on December 11th and 25th, but unusually they remain close enough to continue to press each other’s buttons until early March, with their last conjunction on March 3rd!
Adding to the intensity, Venus, the planet of what we love and value, is stationed retrograde today, which will offer us the chance to revisit and perhaps reconsider what has been going on since she entered Capricorn in early November (see my recent blog to find out how it affects you).
Retrograde planets are strong, and Venus combined with powerful Pluto suggests that some dark and disruptive truths will emerge from people and places of money and influence, and deep emotions can be stirred up in personal or professional relationships.
As I’ve said since April 2020, the astrology indicates things will ease up a lot as of February-March 2022, and the disruptions and restrictions we’ve been experiencing will no longer be justified beyond March 2023, when Saturn finally leaves Aquarius.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to our paths crossing once again in 2022!

With love and light as always,

This month’s Full Moon Meditation has been cancelled – instead I will be snuggling up with my kids who are back home for the holidays! I do hope you can join us on Tuesday, December 28th at 19:30 CET for a similar session online where we will focus on the end of year changes that will affect us through 2022, notably Jupiter moving into Pisces on that day! Please register here via Eventbrite (this event is free for everyone, with optional donations gratefully accepted)

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