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Pisces Full Moon

Full Moon in Pisces through the Signs

You might like to read these from the perspectives of your natal Ascendant (Rising) sign, your Sun, as well as your Moon sign. An expanded version of this blog can be found on YouTube here, as well as a video overview of the Pisces-Virgo Axis at the Full Moon here.

Aries Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Aries – the Pisces full moon is in your 12th house of far away places and people, everything that is hidden from our site this includes bad pleasures and sleep of course it’s also the House of death the natural House of pisces so very much in the symbolism of pisces as always for Aries rising each house has the most pure meaning because air is rising is starting the natural Zodiac. The balance is between your tendency to undermine yourself potentially doing things that are against your best interests and with Virgo in the 6th house it’s about everyday habits that might need examining that allow you to improve your efficiency or sense of purpose on a very practical level the moon also might be highlighting issues of the place to take action is in the first House of self you yourself having to expand your sense of what it is that you want to do every single day and how expanding into a new sense of self or career has already been on the cards for you since may and continues into may 2023.

Mars in the 3rd house suggest that a lot of the business at the moment is around your communication and local community potentially also siblings and cousins. Be kind in your speech! When Mars is in the 3rd house we can be competitive, harsh, sarcastic and cutting. This can undermine your desire to grow and expand into new areas, so the long term damage caused by conflict, arguments and harsh words isn’t worth it. Instead, put your energy into developing skills and communicating in a way that will advance your personal goals and potentially your business as well, because the third house where Mars is sitting until next March is related to commerce and business, too.

Taurus Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Taurus the full moon is in your 11th house of hopes and dreams showing you what is working or not in your friendships and networks, and potentially where you might need to alter your life Ames given what you have experienced over the last couple of weeks or even the past six months. With Jupiter in the 12th house your best action might actually be to rest or to retreat some white so that you can have space for reassessing what is important to you. You’re going through a phase of profound change potentially more than any other sign this year well the north node RA who is in your first house along with your honest which has been there since may 2018 changing your life in every direction. Arrest is well earned and you might find that the area of attention for you until March where Mars is focusing your energy is about personal values or potentially income and wealth and finding new ways to expand this or modify whatever needs to be changed in that regard the son is in your 5th house of enjoyment and children and perhaps this is where much of your attention should be spent until we move at the solstice at the equinox into the sign of Libra on September 23rd. This might be part of how you take a step back at this time in order to stimulate creativity or simply smell the roses a little bit more than you’ve been able to do lately.

Gemini Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Gemini this is in your 10th House of career highlighting something that might be culminating or requires your attention in terms of how you show up in the world. This is also about social status – including marital status for example – so that might also be on your radar for some of you. When the moon crosses the 10th house we might be recognised for our work and this can be where you can receive a certain amount of recognition, although with the moon passing through so quickly – just over two days – it would have to affect your personal chart directly for this to be true.

Your area of action in this regard is amongst your friends and people of power and influence. It might also be that you need to put new energy into your life goals and determine either a new challenge for yourself or potentially also considering a new direction as mercury is opposing Jupiter from the 5th House of children, diversion, and joy – you might find that there’s something here that requires your attention or review. Newly retrograde in your 5th house at the time of this full moon, Mercury here can also represent rethinking a business enterprise or plans to develop as an entrepreneur. It can also be with regards to education, particularly foundational education – with Gemini rising that wouldn’t be unusual because mercury is your ruler. As mercury is retrograde until the beginning of October it would be helpful to reflect on these areas.

While Mars in your 1st house is having you play a more dynamic role and showing up in your life in new ways, it is not always easy for Gemini who likes to have multiple roles and multiple interests. Mars is asking you to take action – make sure that action is focused so you don’t waste your energy and simply run around scattering yourself for the next few months until Mars finally leaves your first House of self in March.

The big change this year has been in your 12th House of long distance travel, your ancestors and other hidden aspects of your life. This might have you questioning your spiritual understanding of life – this is very much the theme for 2022 and into 2023. In general, it’s a good time for Geminis to assess how you invest and balance your time and energy in your work and private life, as well as to clarify your goals – don’t worry if this seems to be a big, blurry question mark at this time, the answer is likely to come only after mid-December.

Cancer Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Cancer – the full Moon is in your 9th house. Your goals and sense of purpose are being highlighted and the action required is in the area of self-sabotage, or potentially connecting with foreigners and faraway places.  Mercury is retrograde in your area of your emotional health and security. It also represents your home and family. Reflecting on and revising the connections between these things and your work, place of work and social status will put you back on track and the results will be highlighted here at next month’s Full Moon in Aries. Mars is in your 12th house emphasizing people from afar, or faraway places that might become a focus of your attention or plans for the next 7 months. Mars here can potentially bring up some dodgy opportunities, or opportunities with some dodgy people, so be careful who you team up with! Working behind the scenes is a better use for this energy than hiding whatever you’re doing for some reason!

Leo Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Leo – the Full Moon is in your 8th house of shared resources, money from others. It’s also where we grapple with our fears, especially around death. The answer to the questions being posed in this area lies in taking action toward your goals or sense of life purpose. Maybe it’s time to clarify what you truly believe in life! Mercury just stationed retrograde in your area of communication and community. Reflecting upon and revising how you engage with people in everyday life will give you an important part of the answer to this question of purpose. Your friendships and networks as well as potential sources of income are a major focus for the next 7 months as Mars is there until the end of March. The actions you take in the next weeks will bear results by the next full moon, showing up in your area of goals, international connections, higher learning etc.

Virgo Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Virgo – the Pisces Full Moon is very personal to you as it always happens in your 7th house of relationships while the Sun is in your 1st house of Self. So while the moon sits across from you you might be exploring what has become evident in relationships or in how you are in relationships. The moon is also mirroring back to you what it is that you want from relationship. Shared resources as well as potential fears or issues involving money from other sources –  can include money that you earned from clients but might also be from government institutions for example – is where you’re going to be focusing your action, and this will likely impact your relationships.

Big changes have been happening in your House of higher learning, law and justice, and big journeys – for example for conferences or pilgrimages – as the north node is passing through that part of your chart all through 2022 and into July 2023 while Uranus has been there since may 2018. So, this is not new to you. It seems that your sense of purpose or direction will be reoriented over the course of this year in a way that might be sudden or unexpected, or maybe you gain a feeling of new potentials that had eluded you until now.

Rahu is in the 9th house has been giving you a lot of courage to be bold and adventurous whether that be in terms of exploring the world or expanding your thoughts and philosophical beliefs. Mars is in your House of career and social status so that is where a lot of your will power and drive are going to be focused until March of 2023. This will help you take action around what you might want or need to do at this time to feel you are making progress towards your bigger goals in life, which may include getting serious in personal or professional relationships.

Libra Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Libra this is all about your everyday habits and health in this cycle nothing too much to worry about but it’s worth remembering that as Neptune has been in this part of your chart since 2011 you may at times have been challenged with illnesses that have been difficult to resolve or explain but that can stem from emotional and psychosomatic causes.

If you’re not already taking care of your health do verify if there’s something going on in this area because when Neptune crosses this house for so long you might leave things unnoticed or undiagnosed that could have longer term consequences. Since Jupiter is in your House of advisors and partners you’ll find the right people to answer these questions for you and help you resolve any potential issues!

Rest, especially mental rest, is also highly recommended for you now (as it was for Aries). You may be feeling so driven to take care of other people’s needs while Jupiter is in your 7th house that you end up forgetting to take care of yourself.

Something new is happening in your House of higher learning and beliefs and you will put a lot of focus there between now and March 2023, potentially having you travel or working with foreigners or for international institutions, or writing a thesis or book. Something is changing in your House of shared resources – perhaps your partner has new sources of income or some form of money is showing up through an inheritance or some other type of pay off unrelated to your work although potentially to do with client income. Something here needs to be resolved so that you can feel your finances are in better order between now and July 2023.

Mercury has stationed retrograde in your house of self – it will retrograde back into Virgo before coming back into your sign in October – so there is a lot of focus on how you communicate with others and wanting to revise plans that you may have set aside previously. Don’t buy into the fearful hype around mercury retrograde – it’s a good time to bring attention to things that might need redoing or revising or potentially even restarting, like an earlier project.

Scorpio Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Scorpio – you have been the focus of a lot of change since January this year as the South node of the moon is in your sign. The Pisces full moon is giving you a bit of a reprieve now, allowing you to see what brings joy into your life, which might have something to do with your children or a sense of creativity that has you expressing yourself in different ways. This could include through a business project because this 5th house is also the House of enterprise and entrepreneurship. It seems that you’re able to get support from your community and potentially powerful supportive people now. Jupiter is in your 6th House of everyday living and routines probably causing you to be very busy while potentially also focusing on health issues, as Chiron has been there since 2018.

So not necessarily something new but worth paying attention to any mental or physical symptoms showing up. Something very new in partnerships – and in how you want to be in relationship – has been expressing itself both with Uranus in your House of committed relationships since 2018 but also the north node there since January (until July 2023). As this is in harmony with the full moon so it could just as well add up to meeting somebody new and interesting now, although that depends on your Natal chart.

It could also just highlight constructive and necessary changes in your existing partnerships. With Mars is in your House of shared resources and gains from partnership – potentially spousal income, for example – there’s a lot of energy there that can cause tension or quarrels in committed relationships or disputes with authorities around money. As this continues until March 2023, take care to do everything with care and integrity – always good advice for Scorpios!

Sagittarius Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Sagittarius – this full moon is occurring in your 4th House of home, land, family and emotional and psychological well-being. Highlighting your current state of support or otherwise in this area of your life you also might require a certain amount of rebalancing between your activity in the world and what you need to do at home or what you might require to feel financially or emotionally secure.

Your ruler – Jupiter – is shared with Pisces and at this full moon we find Jupiter in your 5th House of fun and children and creativity. This has been wonderful for you as it is in a supportive trine to your first house making you feel quite uplifted since May. It looks like whatever you might require in terms of work-life balance would actually benefit from more creative inputs or activities, or perhaps time spent with children if that’s applicable to you.

Mars is in your House of relationships and committed partnerships and this can cause some friction or tensions with personal or business partners or can have people in partnership with you coming across as a little more edgy than usual. You might be dealing with people who are a bit aggressive or very assertive and this will require you stepping up to rise to the occasion. This is not going to be difficult for Sagittarius who tends to be quite blunt and outspoken anyway but keeping that in mind do be careful how you communicate with important people in your life so as not to alienate them.

Something is changing in your area of everyday life, health and illness, and work, especially since January but overall things have been shifting dramatically in this part of your life since May 2018. Before expansive Jupiter enters that part of your horoscope next May be sure to maximise your health and efficiency so you’re good to go!

Capricorn Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Capricorn this is taking place in your third House of communications and siblings cousins and your local community. Perhaps there’s something here that is being highlighted based on what you may have started a couple of weeks ago or even in March something might be changing in the way that you communicate things or there might be a lack of awareness of how you communicate requiring adjustment. That can also involve things like your local commute perhaps that’s something that needs to be reconsidered. Taking action in the areas of your health and especially your happiness and home areas will support whatever it is that needs changing here at the full moon.

Big changes around your House of children creativity fun and love have been shaking things up since may 2018 but strongly since January of this year and that seems to play a part in this full moon configuration so perhaps you’re also having to travel because of your children or because of a work or creative project beware Capricorn that Mars is in your 6th House of health and illness day-to-day work this can have you driving yourself extra hard which for Capricorns is already quite a lot and can also sometimes indicate inflammation so please take care and beware if there is any sign of chronic inflammation to slow down, de-stress, improve your diet and nutrition, make sure you’re sleeping well and see a healthcare provider in the case that you find persistent symptoms that you’re not sure of.

It’s not easy for Capricorns to ask for help, but when it comes to health it is wise to do so – and Capricorns are indeed very wise.

Aquarius Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

Aquarius this is happening in your money house so this moon is showing up issues in the axis of your values, earnings, or wealth and the money you share with others. Perhaps there’s a need to revise or renew your sense of worth or values underscoring your day-to-day life, and what motivates you is the area of communications which is strongly highlighted as Jupiter – the ruler of Pisces – is retrograde in the 3rd house of communications while currently in opposition to newly retrograde Mercury in the 9th house.

So there’s something here about the way that you think communicate or learn potentially around new skills that require your attention or can be developed to your benefit or skills that you already have that you can redeploy for your benefit. Equally because we’re looking at the need for redoing and revision that comes from these retrograde energies then you might also be able to repurpose old work and make it work again for you now in a new way.

There are big changes happening in the House of home and happiness and what makes you feel secure, so this full moon somehow is also illuminating what it is that makes you feel secure. Yet it seems to be in a positive way so this can be something that you are able to act on to your benefit.

Mars is in the House of love and fun gambling which can be quite joyful it’s in a harmonious trying to your ascendant sign to your Sun or ascendant in Aquarius and with Mars there you might enjoy a renewal of your love life or potentially even meet someone that is quite dynamic and inspiring Mars in the 5th house can also signify exercise and sports and this could be also something that you feel quite engaged with over the months ahead until it leaves at the end of March 2023. Since the 5th house also represents children with Mars in the House of children there may be some sort of conflict with children or an issue around children that is causing some disruption that would have to be seen in an individual chart and is difficult to generalise in a reading like this.

Pisces Sun, Moon, & Ascendant:

This is your full moon Pisces! So you’re rising sign or sun or moon here will be very much activating whatever placement you have in Pisces showing you something about yourself particularly in relationship to another unless this is with regards to your preference and showing up how you you are operating in relationships in a way that you may need to modify in order to get the results you want. With Neptune moving through your House of self since 2011 you may have experienced a certain amount of dissolution around relationships and potentially delusion around relationships and especially your role in them. Bear in mind that as this full moon quickly moves towards Neptune our emotions, delusions, and illusions can be very strongly triggered here making it difficult to know if we are deceiving our self or others or being deceived – are we seeing clearly what is happening in our important agreements and partnerships? Money and issues around shared resources and values are also highlighted at this time both by Jupiter being in your 2nd House of wealth and income as well as mercury being in the 8th House of shared resources – both of them retrograde at this time indicate there is definitely something in this area to be examined and reviewed so that it can improve your situation going forward.

It’s likely these issues will not be resolved until after mid-December regardless and from then until mid-May you have a good opportunity to improve whatever financial situation or issues of your own self-worth that may be causing some disruption to you right now. Mars in your House of home, happiness, psychology, and family can have you putting a lot of energy there in the next seven months, potentially literally trying to look for a new home or renovate your home or doing repairs around the home. You might have issues within the home causing some type of disruption or strife that may have you spending much more time and effort in that area of your life than you normally do. Changes around your way of communicating – for example working more through Internet or developing or dusting off useful skills is very much highlighted this year and strongly connected to this full moon as one of the ways you can explore how things might change for you.

This change could also be in your neighbourhood or connected to siblings and cousins – nonetheless things are changing, and this is somehow influencing you and how you are engaging in life. It looks positive indeed because there is an easy flow of energy but beware that it can also pass you right by because it requires YOU to take action – things will not necessarily resolve themselves without some kind of intervention or conscious change on your part.

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