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Full Moon in Sagittarius – Testing Big Ideas

This full moon is the culmination of a period that began with the Sagittarius New Moon on December 14th, 2020, which was a Total Solar Eclipse! Can you remember way back then?!

Both events were at 23 degrees of Sagittarius, which is where we find the relevant connection. We will see the culmination of what we had been envisaging back then in terms of our big plans and life goals, as well as issues regarding law and justice, our beliefs, and international travel.

Whether you were plotting to overthrow a Government, questioning the legality of international authorities, or trying to figure out your purpose in this crazy old world, the results are coming into sharp focus in your mind and in the headlines.

Sagittarius is about wandering over big distances and wondering about big ideas

Its motto could be “Life is a journey, not a destination” and this is a good thing to keep in mind at this Full Moon, when we are likely to be feeling quite unsettled about which way to turn.

Saturn in Aquarius Sextiles the moon and Neptune in Pisces Squares it. To me this feels like social or collective responsibilities and constraints (Saturn in Aquarius) are uppermost in our awareness while Neptune in Pisces is clouding our judgement or having us escape the (apparent) reality of our 3D lives. Neptune can be a creative and spiritualising influence, too, but nonetheless an escape from what we need to do to keep our earthly bodies safe and alive.

Expansive Jupiter rules this full Moon from his fiery HQ in leap-before-you-look Aries – a double dose of impulsiveness that can lead us into new adventures, for good or bad.

Sort out whatever Saturn is asking of you from Aquarius before setting off to uncharted territory, or you will have to resolve it later as Saturn returns to this point in January 2023

In the second half of June there’s a special treat for stargazers because planets will align in the same order they can be seen between the Earth and the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be visible in the twilight hours (meaning dawn and dusk) in the Eastern or Southeastern sky.
Keep an eye out to see the moon conjunct each of these planets in the last 10 days of the month: Saturn on June 18th, Jupiter on June 21st at the Solstice (I’ll make a separate video about that), Mars on June 22nd, Venus on June 26th, and Mercury on June 27th.

The world is actually entertainment. Like amusement, it is meant to be worn lightly. Heaven is within and is revealed by awareness. The world is merely an appearance. Its melodrama is an artifice of the distorted sense of perception. It leads one to think that the world is large, powerful, and permanent and that the Self is small, weak, and transitory. Exactly the opposite is true.

~ David Hawkins

I’m switching things up after 12 years! The Full Moon Meditation sessions will no longer be offered online, and going forward I’ll be posting the Full Moon astrology on YouTube instead – check it out here:

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