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Cupid, Venus, Love

Getting serious about love and money – Venus in Capricorn

Venus will be transiting in Tropical Capricorn from 5/12/21 – 6/3/22, and will be retrograde from 18/12/21 – 28/1/22. Let’s take a look at how it will show up in the area of your horoscope where you find the sign of Capricorn. This is particularly noticeable when the signs below correspond to your Ascendant, but is also relevant for your natal Sun and Moon.


Venus retrograde will have you focusing on career goals and your social status. It is a good time to assess your career or other social goals and prepare for the results to bring you benefit through February.


Venus highlights the area of your chart that rules your guiding philosophy, spirituality, higher learning and foreign people and places. Reconsidering these areas of life starting in December will allow you to move ahead with more purpose and direction as of February and into March.


Venus will have you relating with your partner in a much deeper way than usual, and this might require an examination of your typically insouciant or detached attitude to relationships. Shared resources will get an upgrade, and you might benefit in some way from your partner’s earnings, an inheritance, or some other type of pay-out.


This retrograde is all about love and partnership – Venus is in the house of important relationships. How you do relationship as well as with whom will be a focus now. Venus retrograde can sometimes bring back old relationships, or have you re-examining them, but a bad relationship in the past will not be any better in the future. New relationship energy picks up speed through February and March.


Venus will have you focused on your health and daily habits—if you’ve been working too much you will find it easier to make the necessary changes. Your work, workplace, and your colleagues can become more enjoyable now. After some reflection, you might discover some new motivation to improve your everyday life, with the results showing up in February.


Creativity, children, hobbies, entrepreneurship and love affairs are being highlighted by Venus – how do these impact other areas of your life and what needs changing? By the end of the retrograde cycle you should have a clearer idea of how best to engage with all of these matters heading into February.


Venus will be in the area of your chart that represents your home, roots, parents and early childhood. You might feel drawn to hibernate a bit over the winter, as it will feel more welcoming in your own space and attending to your own emotions and psychology. Investing in your living space is likely, but don’t make any drastic changes or spend big while Venus is retrograde, as you might not like the results later! It’s a good time to slow down and take it easy if you can.


Venus is in your house of communication, short distance travel, internet, and community. Relations with your siblings and cousins can be pleasant and harmonious, or they might experience some pleasant new gains in Venusian areas of their life.


Venus is moving through your house of money and what supports you in your life, which can also include your family. Beware of over-spending and don’t spend on things you don’t really need, despite the temptation! You might find yourself buying something expensive and realising later you don’t even really like it or want it anymore. Reflect on your values and financial situation as Venus is retrograde – you will be glad you did once she moves direct at the end of January.


Venus is in your house of self – lucky you! You will feel good about yourself, and people will be drawn to you. You may want to turn within more while Venus is retrograde, to focus on personal goals and activities. You will emerge refreshed and with a renewed confidence as February begins.


During the retrograde period, Venus will set the stage for you to go deep into your subconscious habits, beliefs, and attitudes, making it the perfect time to do some shadow work when it comes to matters of the heart or your relationship to your values and money. There can be more expenses, some loss, or a need to resolve issues around relationships.


This retrograde could have an interesting effect on your friendships. It’s also the house of goals and dreams, and gains from the work you do. You might find career, financial or relationship support from someone in your network, or expand your network to include new friends.

If you want to know more about your horoscope or how the next few months will affect your life, schedule a personalized astrology reading with me here!

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