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insect, ant, strawberry-7276833.jpg

How can we cope with our world today?

It helps to start by understanding that we are indeed not special at all.

The human ego in its arrogance decided centuries ago that it was superior to all other lifeforms, and this was later enshrined in religion and governance.

That idea led to the increasingly rampant abuse of other life forms, including other humans, and especially women, because the real gauge of superiority was soon whittled down to Men and, ultimately, to White Men.

Subconsciously, we are always functioning on this assumption of superiority: we must shed these ideas urgently

Most people in the modern world have been raised and educated with this assumption – having it force-fed to us through religious indoctrination, schoolbooks and Western-dominant cultural images. We have (unconsciously) internalised it so it becomes difficult to recognise as the programming underlying our every choices and actions.

So insects that dare to cross our concrete paths or live in a corner of our outsized homes are squashed without a second thought.

Animals that become inconvenient to our lifestyles or are used for wholly unnecessary experiments are disposed of when we’re done using them, and we mechanically, mindlessly, abuse and then kill billions more each year for food, even though we’re not hungry.

And the 40 percent of the time we have too much to eat, we casually throw away the uneaten flesh and other sacrificed life forms, plastic wrapping and all, so it goes “away” – another inconvenience solved while conveniently ignoring the many we have already caused.

There is no “away”

We created our current scenario by drifting blindly down this stream of constant searching for comfort and contentment – the pursuit of happiness at all costs.

We are all suffering because we don’t understand that contentment and happiness are inherent, internal states, not the result of external acquisition, conquest, or consumption. This ignorance is causing immense suffering in every direction.

There is no “other”

Stop now and reflect on how you are contributing to any of this (yes, we all are).

Don’t blame, don’t accuse. Don’t point fingers.

Sit with yourself and recognise where these patterns are lying within your consciousness.

This is the solution to our suffering: changing our own mindset and behaviour is the way forward. Act where you can to improve harmony in your mind, in your community, in your world.

Don’t look for leaders to rescue you, there are none. Sitting around waiting for someone else to lead while we passively expect things to improve is the source of the problem we find ourselves in.

Don’t look for morality in others – you will always be disappointed

Follow your own highest morals. Take action in your own life, in whatever way you can, to reduce your own suffering and by extension that of others.

Live your life, and don’t interfere with the lives of others. The profound teaching in the Taoist principle of non-interference – like a pithy summary of the Yogic Yama and Niyama – is deeply healing and helps to maintain order.

If you want to have peace of mind, learn to be happy now, just because you are alive. This is a miracle in itself!

Nurturing Transformation

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