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Impactful Change at the Pisces New Moon

Today’s New Moon is in the midst of one of the most intense astrological weeks of the year.

The Sun and Moon”s conjunction with Jupiter sets off the upcoming rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (peaking on April 12th) for the first time since 1856.

Pisces is where both planets have maximum impact, meaning Jupiter expands and exaggerates the nebulous and deceptive qualities of Neptune. We’re already seeing this effect manifest globally in its most negative aspects: delusional, self-destructive behaviour in an extremely fluid situation.

This is displayed in its most extreme archetypal form in (inter alia) the unprecedented flooding (expect news of more exceptional floods in the weeks ahead) in Australia, where the Government refuses to acknowledge or act upon rapid climate change, as well as the disastrous, deluded, and overly-optimistic invasion of Ukraine by an utterly unhinged Putin now threatening nuclear annihilation.

We can also see the positive side of these two planets in Pisces, which represents universality, oneness, sensitivity, compassion, and an acceptance of death and endings as part of the cycle of life.

Peace, Love, and Understanding

The unfiltered emotional appeals from the Ukrainian President and the courage of Ukrainians in the face of death have generated an outpouring of support, love, and solidarity around the world.

Depending on the level of consciousness, Pisces can represent the energy of self-undoing in the form of victims and martyrs, addicts and the mentally ill, as well as the naïvely optimistic. It also symbolises inspired creativity, spiritual healing, the dissolution of the illusion of a separate self, and universal love and compassion.

Added to this is the rare conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto at the New Moon: Mars and Pluto together are volatile and disruptive, and the involvement of Venus brings this into the domain of relationships, finance, and life-sustaining resources.

Spare a thought for the Russian billionaire kleptocrats who are suddenly (finally!) being squeezed from every angle – the perfect representation of this week’s astrology!

Venus and Mars will be exactly aligned at 0 degrees of Aquarius on March 6th, triggering the era-defining Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 21st 2020. Saturn was also at 0 Aquarius the last time Mars met Pluto (along with Jupiter) in Capricorn, on March 23rd 2020, seeing lockdowns and travel restrictions around the world.

Mars and Venus meeting up with Pluto on March 1 five are taking notes and on a reconnaissance mission for their conjunction and 0° of Aquarius where Pluto will move at the end of March 2023. That period and time will be another momentous shift in our collective and personal stories which I believe was signalled the end of this era of pandemic scare at least for this chapter Of COVID-19.

New Moon in Pisces

Go with the flow… and prepare for change!

Challenging transits are usually harder to handle on the collective level as we tend to sink to the lowest common denominator; they can be very constructive in our individual lives if we remain aware of their meaning.

Either way, expect rapid transformation and volatility, both of which are necessary ingredients of progress as old ways of seeing and doing things break down before our eyes and the creative and adaptive processes quickly move in to fill the void.

Big picture (cosmic and inclusive) thinking will help us more than ever now, but Saturn’s conjunction to Mercury in Aquarius at the same time nonetheless forces us to think about the details and consequences of our choices.

The great gift of Pisces is knowing that creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin, and to see the beauty and perfection in that knowledge. Being fully alive to every moment requires an awareness and acceptance of that whilst never forgetting our interconnected nature.

Everything always works out in the end, precisely because there is no end!

Wishing you all much peace and love in the highest vibration of Pisces,

Nurturing Transformation

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