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A Libra Full Moon story

The Full Moon in Libra (exact 6 March 04:34 UTC) provides an opportunity to set the record straight with someone or something that needs re-balancing or harmonizing in the area of life Libra represents in your natal chart.

In my case, Libra is my 4th house of home and security, and today’s lunar energy was emboldened by Mars currently transiting through my first house and ruler of the Sun and Jupiter in my 10th house of ambition, social status and career as they oppose the Libra Moon (the Sun opposite the Moon is what causes the Moon to appear full).

Indulge me in a wee tale of personal victory. Five months ago, in solidarity with the crazy energy price hikes our dear leaders have allowed to happen since last year, I agreed to pay my landlady a supplement to the fixed charges laid out in our rental contract.

As energy prices have diminished, and as there is no obligation to pay higher charges, I wrote to her that I would stop the payments now, and attached a link to the Belgian legislation reinforcing this (here it is if you’re in such a situation). Her response was that we could instead cut the additional charges in half, which she considered a very generous offer on her part (!). 

For context, this is someone from a wealthy family who has always been rude, condescending, arrogant and generally unpleasant to me since I have lived here (I never kissed the ring…).

As the Full Moon was building (and Mars heating up my otherwise more compliant house of Self), I felt ready to speak up and wrote to her about what it has been like to be treated more like an ungrateful guest than a paying tenant, but that – despite her many insults over the years – this issue was not personal. Rather, I reminded her, she simply doesn’t have the right to ask for more if there is a fixed contract for charges. 

It felt very good to simply say “no” and rectify this imbalance once and for all – especially since Libra rules justice, and fairness. True to form, she was unable to resist insulting me in her response, but as the saying goes, her opinion of me is none of my business. And I suppose she doesn’t realize that Venus-ruled Libra also rules harmony and diplomacy!

So, while I’m not advising you to plow through years of past injustices to redress the balance, there is probably some area of life that would benefit from your attention in this regard. It will feel good to sort that out, and allow for a new way of showing up just in time for eclipse season!

If you enjoy regular Astrology updates, you might like this video on today’s Full Moon in Libra and some thoughts on Pluto as it pushes us towards a Phoenix point over the next two years.

With much love as always,
Nurturing Transformation

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