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Mars in Gemini – Powerful Words!

Mars in Gemini is all about fast thinking, talking, and lots of activity. So buckle up, because it is transiting through the sign of Gemini from August 20th 2022 to March 25th 2023!

The following applies any time Mars is moving through Gemini, as well as when an individual has Mars in aspect with Gemini’s ruler, Mercury.

When Mars is in Gemini we get an intensity around communication that can lead to angry words, fighting words, or aggression in the way an idea might be presented. Impulsive and assertive Mars wants to dominate, separate, and act on its individualistic goals. It’s also enthusiastic, passionate, and motivated. In Gemini, words, ideas, skills, handiwork, commerce, tools and weapons are some of the things Mars will put its energy into.

Gemini is all about friendship friendliness cooperation and connection Mars on the other hand is about severing cutting ties independence and assertion or even aggression. On the positive side, people with Mars in Gemini – or who have strong Mars and Mercury connections in the Natal chart – are very singular and happy to choose friendships based on their own preference rather than on whether everybody else likes a person. In this sense, a healthy Mars here cuts through Gemini’s tendency to have difficulty making decisions, and when it works, it brings out the best of both friendly Gemini ruled by gender-neutral Mercury and the masculine, dynamic, and individualistic Mars.

People with natal Mars in Gemini are very quick-witted. They have a brusque, direct, and compelling way of speaking. When this is not fully integrated, it can often mean that the person seems to be looking for an argument. This is especially true when Mars is afflicted in the natal chart by other malefic planets (Saturn, the Sun, or the lunar nodes) or if it’s in hard aspect with Mercury (square or opposition). An afflicted Mars in Gemini also brings up the image of Mean Girls: gossiping, nitpicking, and over-analyzing other people’s words and behaviors rather than finding the friendly common ground that Mercury prefers.

Mars in Gemini or in strong relationship to Mercury can indicate a lot of talking, Even too much talking, as well as being comfortable talking about difficulty and trauma. The bigger challenge is to keep in mind that listening is an important part of all types of communication, whether in direct conversation or on social media.

Collectively we tend to see the most extreme results of any aspect, so while Mars transits Gemini until March 2023 we’re most likely going to be seeing quite a lot of questioning around what is actually true along with an intensification of misinformation, disinformation, and polarization around communications, social media, and financial and business markets. This destabilizing effect will also lead to conflict amongst individuals as well as in collective circumstances where Gemini plays an important role.

From duality to balance

In order to smooth out or resolve challenges posed in any particular placement in the horoscope (both in the natal chart and by transit) we need to move toward the polarity point, meaning the opposite sign in the Zodiac, to find the solution. This remedy is not meant to bypass or avoid working with the energy of the challenging placement. Rather, it is about balancing the two to get the best of both.

In the case of Gemini, the opposite sign is Sagittarius. Where Gemini represents thinking about details facts what he said she said, local community issues like commerce exchanges communications or short travel, Sagittarius represents a broader view on all of those same subjects. It’s about the philosophy underpinning ideas rather than the ideas themselves. It’s also about people and cultures from far away and the ideas that they may bring to us and challenge us with.

So the answers to problems found in Gemini – which might lead to overthinking, nitpicking and indecision – will be resolved by taking a broader view and a long term perspective. It helps to remember that what seems important in today’s nitty-gritty will actually mean little or nothing 5 years, 50 years, or 500 years from now.

For example, Mars in Gemini in the 7th house makes it very difficult to engage in constructive relationships without dominating or undermining them, although the quick-thinking and enthusiastic Mars in Gemini energy will be able to put a cheerful face on it and add seductive spin to their message.

We can see this clearly in the Horoscope cast for the time of the United States’ Independence (known as the Sibley Chart), which has Gemini in the 7th House of partnerships and cooperation, where we also find Mars. Gemini rules commerce, communication, and friendships, as well as duplicity, rivalry, and unreliability, so we see that these are the dominant themes in their dealings with others.

The sign Mars is in describes how we take action, and the house shows us where this energy is focused. So this placement shows us how the US deals with its partners as well as each other within the country – and Mars in the 7th is definitely not into cooperation!

India’s Independence horoscope has Gemini on the ascendant, and it will no doubt be strongly affected now by having Mars pass through that section of the chart for the next 7 months. Mars in the first house makes people passionate, competitive, ambitious, and can lead to conflicts if these drives are not channeled constructively. (India has Mars in Cancer in the 2nd house in the Tropical horoscope.)

Mars in Gemini makes for excellent linguists and sales people, but not such good diplomats. Individuals with Mars and Gemini are fast thinkers and fast talkers and can solve problems in real time, which can be good or bad! Think of a commander (Mars) who needs to revise a military strategy (Gemini) in the middle of combat (Mars), for example. But this could also cause some unnecessary drama when fast thinking comes at the expense of deeper reflection or a broader perspective that would have been more helpful. Mars in Gemini is good at thinking up excuses and explanations, too, though, so such situations can also blow over quickly!

It can be that an individual who has Mars in Gemini or challenging connections between Mars and mercury in the Natal chart had some sort of competition rivalry or challenge with their siblings, and in particular an older sibling. Although not necessarily. This can lead to a sense of not being heard or acknowledged for your ideas and opinions in childhood And having as a result a tendency to express oneself forcefully and in a way that insurers the message will get across although without realizing that at the same time the delivery style can be very offputting.

Mars in Gemini can use words as a weapon to defend the ego’s need to be right. Speaking up for oneself or defending one’s opinion can lead to separation and difficulty in friendships and social groups.

But when an individual with Mars-Mercury-Gemini traits eventually integrates, understands, and overcomes any fears around their ability to speak and be heard, and when they learn to let go of any egoic identification with their own thoughts and opinions, they become forceful and influential teachers and advocates for others or for a cause. Scoring points in an argument becomes less important than using words persuasively to bring about connection and genuine communication.

Mars in Gemini is not only skillful with words and foreign languages, but is also good with symbols, numbers, mathematics, concepts like mythology and so on. They are excellent storytellers and full of quick-witted humor that can also be quite cutting or sarcastic. How this is used will depend on the maturity and depth of self-awareness of the individual. A good way to channel this energy is to right or teach through writing and teaching as fundamentally their interest is in conveying information to anyone who will listen.

While an elevated Mars in Gemini will speak truth to power and point out all forms of hypocrisy, neither Gemini nor its ruler Mercury are known for their reliability or integrity! Mercury is famous for its trickster energy, vacillating between ideas, commitments, and even relationships! Fast-moving Mars can aggravate this unfortunate Gemini trait leading to unreliable words and actions or outright deception, as well as jumping to conclusions without the inconvenience of any real discussion or debate.

As Benjamin Franklin wrote centuries ago, “Thinking aloud is a habit which is responsible for most of mankind’s misery.” This is a brilliant description of Mars in Gemini!

Mars loves a challenge, and challenges bring strength and resilience. Mars in Gemini excels at intellectual debates, games, and other forms of rivalry, and wants to win at all of it!

Sibling rivalry is typical of this placement, as well as with challenging Mercury-Mars aspects in the natal chart.

If any earlier traumas especially between siblings have been integrated and you feel that you’re now in a safe space or stage of life you can absolutely reap the benefits of the wisdom gained from having to navigate your way through such an intense relationship in your early life.

Mars in Gemini is skilled at speaking off the cuff, coming up with quick, innovative ideas, bringing people and concepts together, making clever jokes – especially plays on words – banter and teasing, saying one thing and doing another, having an opinion on any subject regardless of prior knowledge in the field, and potentially living by the creed of do as I say not as I do.

Mars and Gemini are both outgoing energies and so an increase in communication sharing ideas and opinions business and commerce moving around travelling and general business an ongoing desire to learn are all great significators for this combination

The lesson is in finding your voice without yelling nagging badgering arguing confronting or protesting or insulting. Once this has been mastered, Mars in Gemini becomes the warrior that defends ideas and those who have no voice of their own.

A wonderful practice to bring out the best in the energy of Mars in Gemini is Non-Violent Communication (NVC), formulated by the late Marshall Rosenberg beginning in the 1960s.

By taking care of our own emotions and understanding our own needs before engaging in communication with someone else we can use this dynamic energy for change without anger, aggression, or arguments.

Sensing what we feel and what is the need behind what is being expressed is a big part of NVC. People often say “I feel” when they really mean “I think”, as in “I feel like you don’t understand me” or “I feel misunderstood” or”I feel like he’s wrong”. These are actually opinions disguised as feelings, and as such leave the other person feeling judged. Feelings are expressed by emotions, so saying “I feel sad”, or “I feel angry” gives the other person a sense of what you are experiencing so they can understand you better.

NVC has us focus on our own needs instead of what we think is wrong with others. For example, criticisms like “You never listen to me” or “You don’t know what you’re talking about” are actually stemming from our need to be heard and respected. But when someone feels judged or criticised, they won’t want to engage and will want to defend themselves instead!

Working through conflict builds resilience and trust, and ultimately brings us the feeling of power we are seeking through Mars.

Mercury symbolism

  • Communication
  • Thinking patterns
  • Expressing through language and symbols
  • Linking & Connecting Information
  • Learning, especially practical knowledge
  • Speaking and listening
  • Commerce and exchanges of all kinds
  • Traveling
  • Tricksters and changeable or unreliable people
  • Siblings (brothers and sisters)

Mars symbolism

  • Anger
  • Force
  • Separation
  • Drive and assertion
  • Willpower and willfulness
  • Competitors and competitiveness
  • Impatience and impulsiveness
  • Passion and enthusiasm
  • Sexuality (can also represent sexual partners)
  • War and warriors

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