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Zodiac Wheel, Horoscope, Astrology

New Moon in Aries marks a New Era

The Vernal Equinox is celebrated as International Astrology Day marking the Aries point – Zero degrees of Aries – which is the beginning of the Tropical zodiac.* It’s the start of the astrological New Year and it closely coincides with a new moon in the first degree of Aries. The last time this happened was in 2004!

what would you like to create in the month – and year – ahead?

This is an excellent time for setting intentions for not only this lunar cycle, but also this year ahead and – why not?! – also for the recently-begun Saturn in Pisces cycle and the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on Thursday.

Not to be outdone, on the day of the New Moon (21 March) Venus is going to be conjunct the North Node (Rahu) at nearly 6 degrees of Taurus – the number she rules in the sign she rules – so why not use this time also for exploring what you want around love and money?!

Wishing you all very constructive new beginnings for the greatest good of everyone concerned!

(*The Tropical zodiac is established based on the apparent movement of the Sun over the equator at the Equinoxes and Solstices. It is not based on the relative position of the constellations.)

If you want to know how theses changes are showing up for you, schedule an astrology session with me here!

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