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New Moon in Scorpio – Don’t Look Away!

If it feels like all of life is simultaneously in a chaotic state of flux yet bizarrely also deeply mired in the same old patterns, you’re not alone! Today’s New Moon at 12 degrees of stubborn Scorpio pits the Sun and Moon together with a powerful Mars, and exactly opposite – to within a tiny fraction of a degree – disruptive Uranus.

This triggers the ongoing tension between Saturn (stability, stark realism) and Uranus (futuristic thinking, rebellion and unpredictability) that has been the hallmark of all of 2021. It also sets the stage for the upcoming eclipse cycle, which launches with a lunar eclipse at this month’s Full Moon on November 19th (more on that soon!).

The Mars – Saturn – Uranus tension has been a trigger for increased cases of Covid-19 over the past 18 months, so this can see a new wave rising especially around or after November 10th.

The New Moon’s energy imprints the short-term cycle of the coming month, as well as a longer period of about 6 months that culminates at the next Scorpio Full Moon on May 16th – which will be a powerful lunar eclipse!

If you like to set intentions, then be sure to focus on what you want to change and let go of – look for where Scorpio is found in your natal chart to know which area of life will be impacted the most.

Only hours after the New Moon, Venus moves into the sign of Capricorn for a prolonged stay. Venus will be transiting in Tropical Capricorn from 5/12/21 – 6/3/22, and will be retrograde from 18/12/21 – 28/1/22.

Take a look at how it will show up in the area of your horoscope where you find the sign of Capricorn. Find out more about that and how it will affect you by Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign here!

Don’t look away – where you need to let go, let go. It’s not going to get easier to make some of the changes we need to make personally and collectively, so find the stubborn determination of this Mars and New Moon in Scorpio to move onward and upward!

Much love and light at the dark moon!

Nurturing Transformation

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