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Saturn as seen by NASA's Hubble Telescope

Reflections on Saturn, authority and you

Saturn as seen by NASA's Hubble Telescope

In our night sky Saturn appears extremely bright as it is at its closest point relative to Earth, and reflects the light of the Sun in opposition. If you have clear skies you’ll be able to see this in the night sky all week long.

The Sun at 17 degrees of Tropical Virgo ♍️ is opposite Saturn in Pisces ♓️ at the moment. This has been in effect since the 7th of September and will continue until about the 11th of September, but is strongest on the 8th and 9th.

For those of you born around this time, this is an opportunity to see something changing in the direction of your life or your sense of purpose and/or identity as represented by your Virgo Sun.

If your Ascendant or Moon is located around 13 to 17 degrees of Virgo you may also experience this in terms of how your outer life is changing based on relationships of all kinds as well as in your intuitive or interior sense of self, and this will no doubt apply to your relationship with your Mother or wise women, or what you call your ‘home’.

If you are born from the 10th to the 14th of March this will also be affecting your identity and outer role as Saturn conjoining your Sun is making you more serious and committed to some new role in your life, even if that’s not fully clear to you at this point. This involves your sense of identity and purpose, and/or relations with males or authority figures.

The most significant questions to explore right now are: “Who or what has authority over me?” and “Am I living through my inner authority, or if not, what do I need to change to get me there?” (hint: it’s your attitude towards yourself! 😉)

Next March 12th the Sun will conjoin Saturn (with an orb of influence from 10 to 14 March 2025), thereby completing this year-long cycle of reflection that started at the very end of February 2024 (while also launching the next one…).

All of this also applies to the other Mutable signs, Gemini ♊️ and Sagittarius ♐️, which are receiving the square aspect that will require action and adjustment around these same degree points in those signs. As Jupiter in Gemini is in square to all of the Virgo-Pisces activities while opposing Sagittarius over the next 9 months, things can expand very (too?!) quickly or get out of hand, only to need reassessment (Saturn) later on.

Think of these months as a time to play or experiment with where the edge of growth is for you, as the fruits will most likely only fully ripen by late Spring 2025.

A I mentioned above, consider what you are learning, understanding, and reconstructing in your relationship to outer and inner authority, or what you need to take more seriously in your life wherever the Pisces-Virgo axis shows up in your chart. A healthy sense of boundaries and limitations will lead you to a more focused energy towards your goals and accomplishments. The results of this investment in yourself will show up around the time the Sun meets Saturn in March of next year.

For added emphasis, next 14 March will be when we see the lunar eclipse in Virgo ♍️, opposite Saturn, at almost 24 degrees. The Sun will then meet up exactly with Rahu/the North Node of the Moon at 27 degrees of Pisces ♓️ only a couple of days later, all of it showing us something karmic and different that is important to pay attention to at this stage of life wherever Virgo-Pisces is found in the chart, but especially so if important planets or points (Asc MC, etc) are in the middle to late degrees of Pisces or Virgo.

These are general guidelines. Please don’t ask me “what will happen to me if I this is on my X”, because I would need to see your whole chart to make a personal assessment. You can schedule a reading with me here – 🙏🏻

Photo from @hubblespacetelescope

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