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Saturn in Aquarius December 2020 to March 2023

Read how Saturn affects you according to your Ascendant, Sun, & Moon signs*


Since this is happening in your first house of Self, this is going to affect all areas of your life – what we could call the pillars of life: your individual sense of self, or who you feel yourself to be in your life, as well as your important relationships; your home including the actual house you live in (perhaps there’s a desire to move or there will be a big change in home for you) as well as your deeper psychological or emotional nature. This can also include issues or changes with regards to your mother or your family of origin in general; your social status or the role you play in the world, including your career, is also being affected – what needs to change there? This is going to be a major transformational period for you, especially if you have Saturn in Aquarius in your natal chart – run with it!


You might find this period a bit tiring, as this energy is in your 12th house, an area of the chart where things are either hidden (meaning not obvious) or far away from us and therefore difficult to materialize. This can be very helpful for spiritual work, or preparatory research for a project you have in mind. Assess and change any habits that might not be supporting you or are becoming problematic, such as addictions or other self-sabotaging behaviors – the 12th house is also known as the House of Self-undoing! Faraway places are also among the things that are not readily visible, and these can take on some importance now. Much of this energy for you is going to be interior, intimate, or behind the scenes. Think of this time as preparation for the coming Saturn in Pisces cycle, when the energy shifts into your sign and you become more outwardly engaged.


This is charging up your 11th house, which is what your role in the world brings you, including social groups and contacts, income from the work you do, your goals and hopes for the future. It seems like your social circle and overall aims are in for a big change, and this is the time to take advantage of the momentum. Change and innovation is happening around your finances and self-worth, and this period could show you some of the likely changes in store for the rest of the year.


Your 10th House of career and social status is highlighted, and you might find that you are identifying with a whole new area of responsibility or a new role in your life. You might have new career ambitions or a new way of accomplishing your ambitions and this can offer some significant opportunities for recognition by others. You have already been going through a period of major change since the spring of 2018, and this is your chance to step up to whatever new role you have been considering for yourself in the past three years.


You will see more activity in your 9th house of higher learning, philosophy, and religion, international connections, publishing, and teaching. What about that book you have been wanting to write all these years? You could do that now. It’s also a good time for diving seriously into studies or teaching. It’s also the house of astrology, so that might become a substantial new focus of interest for you! This is a supportive time for personal expansion. There can also be more emphasis on your parents now, especially your father.


Deep transformation is on the agenda now and through 2023. It’s a good time to confront and overcome your fears or unresolved challenges through coaching, therapy, and counseling. You will have great success in both understanding and overcoming what seems to operate from deep within you. New social connections and life goals will both support and reflect the changes you are making now. There can be a lot of change around shared resources, including your spouse’s income, or an inheritance. Although this doesn’t come naturally to you, you might feel it’s time to become more self-reliant as what used to support you is no longer available.


Like Cancers, Leos tend to have challenges in relationships in this period since Saturn rules both of their houses of marriage and partnership. After spending 3 years in Cancer’s relationship house, Saturn has now moved into yours where it will stay until the spring of 2023. It’s time to get serious about your partners – make any changes necessary to update and upgrade the important others you relate to on a regular basis, as well as how you do your relating. What needs to change there, Leo? There can be legal or organisational issues to deal with, which might be tied to your social status or career. That area of your life has been changing since early 2018. (Edit on 5 June 2022: Both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have Leo rising – just sayin’!)


This is a great time to improve your health and take care of any imbalance in that area of life, however small. Whatever is going on with your health at the moment is most likely a result of your daily routines and habits, and this is the spark needed to make some changes. It can also be that you want to set some healthier boundaries around how you look after or work for others. If so, keep going like that! It seems like your life philosophy has been changing for the past three years. The improvements you make now will support you spreading your wings towards those new horizons that are inspiring you lately.


It’s been a tough few years and now you can find ways to enjoy your life more – new hobbies, creative new ways of expressing yourself, and something new around your children (or perhaps your business projects) will hold your focus until 2023. An inheritance, (re-)financing loans or debts, or a change in your spouse’s income can influence the choices you make now.


What does “home” mean to you? Since December 2020, so many of my Scorpio clients and friends have moved, are moving, or are now planning to move that I am assuming this includes you, too! It’s a good time to establish a new foundation for your life – what you put in place from now until early 2023 will support you for the next couple of decades, so take your time to get it right. Your important partnerships – personal or professional – have changed a lot since early 2018 and are still playing a big role in how things will look for you for the next few years. Make any necessary changes in your relationships so you can make it work for you in the best way possible.


This is a good time to sharpen your skills, learning new ways of doing things that can expand your horizons or bring in new connections. You might take on a new role in your local community or find that you and others can benefit from your writing and communication skills. Your day-to-day life has been changing a lot over the past couple of years and you should be sure not to overdo it, as you are more prone to nervous disorders and even accidents these days. Business development or a competitive pursuit will bring you a lot of enjoyment, challenges, and growth now.


You’re right at home with this energy in your 2nd house of money and personal resources – as well as whatever supports and nourishes you, from family to food. The big relief is that the pressure is off you personally now after three intense years, and you will feel increasingly more breathing space and growing self-esteem in this cycle. Some changes to, or restructuring of, your income and finances is likely through early 2023, probably linked to your children (if there are any) or your hobbies and spending on sports and other entertainment (including your love life!). Avoid gambling now – although it’s not usually your downfall, you might find you have enough expenses without throwing your money away. It’s a good time for long-term investment instead.

*The original version of this text appeared in a blog on my old site in February 2021. It has been slightly edited on 5 June 2022.

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