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A Solar Eclipse to Remind us to Let Go with Gratitude

Try not to resist the changes that come your way.
Instead, let life live through you.
And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

~ Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī

Eclipse periods can trigger breakdowns and/or breakthroughs that often bring sudden changes in our lives, at the very least in the form of new perspectives on our current situation.

In preparation for tomorrow’s total Solar Eclipse (which peaks at 07:34 UT/08:34 CET/13:04 IST), consider some traditional advice for making the most of this unstable energy.

It’s a good time to practice meditation, remain in silence, chant mantras, recite prayers and simple contemplation – any and all are helpful during the eclipse period.

Avoid eating during the active phase of the eclipse – you might like to fast from the evening before until the following evening meal, or at least for a couple of hours surrounding the eclipse time.

If possible, don’t start new projects on an eclipse day, wait for a few days afterwards. Eclipse periods are not auspicious for initiating anything you want to last or rely upon.

It’s best to take a break from discussing or negotiating important issues for a couple of days – there is an emotional edginess around eclipses that can magnify stressful feelings.

This South Node (Ketu) Solar Eclipse in Tropical Sagittarius has the paradoxical effect of shedding aspects of our life but with the energy of making a fresh start (solar eclipses are like amplified new moons).

We’re closing a nodal cycle in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis that began in May 2020, and won’t be active again for 18 years.

Gemini represents community, socialising, communication, practical learning and handy devices, inter alia.

Sagittarius represents travel, international relationships, our beliefs and religious philosophies, as well as higher education and life vision or purpose.

In the previous Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle (late 2001 to mid-2003) we had major travel disruptions following 9/11, which triggered stringent travel safety and other security/surveillance measures; the start of war with Afghanistan, Iraq, et al., and a young Mark Zuckerberg created (copied?) a social platform for Harvard students at the very last eclipse in that cycle.

Now, we’re in Covid travel and social purgatory, the US and Russia are in talks aimed at avoiding war (read: exerting dominance) over Ukraine (see above about avoiding important discussions!) and Facebook (um, Meta) is grasping to navigate its love-hate relationship with its users and governments around the world.

The planet of communication and transportation, Mercury, is conjunct this Eclipse, which can bring out the blunt, foot-in-mouth, painfully honest energy of Sagittarius. Mercury in Sadge can also be a broader, higher perspective on life, which will be very welcome if we can keep our thoughts and communications at that big-picture level. Given the symbolism of transportation mixed with long-distance travel it is highly likely we will see more major travel disruptions in the next couple of months (already starting within the days before the eclipse – I have all fingers and toes crossed that I can make it to Toronto to visit my family next week!).

Also on Saturday, Eris, a little asteroid in Aries that is hugely provocative (in order to make much-needed change) is in a challenging aspect to feisty Mars at home in Scorpio. Heads up! People (including you!) are more likely to say something emotionally provocative – there will be some truth behind it so pay attention to the message not the delivery.

Celebrate your achievements, however small, and your relationships, however challenging. Let go with gratitude of whatever you are asked to let go of now, and have trust in the side of life that is about to be shown to you.

With much love and light,

Reach out for an appointment if you want to explore how to make the most of this energy through astrology.

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📸 Mathew Schwartz @unsplash

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