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The Future is Now. What does Yours look like?

It’s funny, I used the search word “futuristic” on UnSplash to find an image for this piece and it struck me that all of them are cold and dark. Is this really the only future we foresee for ourselves? (I did another search for “seedling” and got something far more inspiring!)

There seems to be a contradiction between living in the present and planning for the future. In truth there is no past or future, there is only ever now. The mind simply remembers the past (or so we think!) and looks ahead to possible future scenarios, but this imagining always happens right here and now.

Importantly, how we feel right now creates the next moment (which is also now) because our thoughts and emotions are forever shaping our experience of life. Understanding this frees us from fear and worry about the future.

Right now (and in every ‘now‘), we can look at our anxieties, take care of our emotions, and explore why we are so dissociated and distracted from life as it’s happening. Doing this regularly keeps us current so we can be more present.

Life doesn’t get any better or worse than this very moment!

So many health issues, worries, and mistakes can be avoided by checking in with ourselves throughout the day. For example, ask yourself: Is this question I’m about to ask someone based in fear and/or aversion, or is it simply a desire for information?

Just asking that allows you to step back and understand your underlying motivations in the moment. Concerns that seemed overwhelming become smaller and more manageable. Your stress levels go down, and you feel more capable of facing whatever life is offering.

Observing the influence of the larger cycles of life (and death, inevitably) allows us to shift our perspective and intentions today to make the most of those energies when the time comes. Just like carrying an umbrella won’t alter the rain but keeps us more comfortable when we’re in it, studying big cycles of time helps us to be aware of the areas of life we can expect more spiritual and personal growth ahead.

As the ‘future’ of my sort of work is looking somewhat precarious, I’ll take my chances while it’s still possible and invite you to join me online this Sunday for a look at your year ahead. We’ll have a look at how much we’ve grown over the past 3 years, and where we can grow and mature in the years ahead.

2023 is an especially interesting year in which the instability (chaos?!) offers us so many opportunities to change course in surprising and innovative ways.

I hope you can make it on Sunday for a lively look at how our attitudes will help shape the year ahead! Find the details and register here (as always, a recording will be available to those who can’t join live).

With much love,
Susan 🙏🏻

Nurturing Transformation

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