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The New Moon in Gemini

On June 18th at 04:37 UTC there is a new moon in Gemini accompanied by its ruler, Mercury. Gemini represents everything to do with interactions and exchanges between people. This can be about trading goods, or money, or words. Say what?!

Exchanging ideas is all about communicating with each other, and effective communication involves both talking and listening. Listening implies trying to understand one another, not just closing our mouth while preparing our next sentence. If there is no sincere attempt to listen and understand the other party, communication is impossible. Talking without listening is simply bullying. Have you ever been in an exchange with someone who talks AT you as opposed to WITH you? It’s incredibly frustrating, isn’t it?

If we take this to our current global situation, we can see the results of not communicating effectively. For the first time in history, as far as I’m aware, we have a situation in which warring parties – in this case meaning the US-led NATO countries and their declared enemy, Russia – refuse to negotiate during wartime, meaning Russia. In fact, negotiations that were underway in March and April of 2022 were actually blocked by Western allies.

Astrologically, Belief is the domain of Sagittarius, which is ruled by wise and benevolent Jupiter. The dark side of Sagittarius is dogmatism, a know-it-all attitude that is not interested in another opinion. In astrology, the opposite sign is what we can learn from. We always want to look to the polarity for solutions to what we don’t currently understand. So, the cure for dogmatism comes from the Gemini energy of curiosity and openness to new information.

Mercury represents a lot of things, including our thoughts and opinions. Mercury in Gemini has an irrepressible urge to share information but can lack the Jupiterian wisdom of Sagittarius that tells us when and how best to do so. This can lead to a tendency to disparage, gossip and chatter without reflecting on the consequences of our words.

There’s an old expression that goes something like: Great minds talk about ideas, average minds to talk about themselves, and small minds talk about others. This is an interesting barometer on the spectrum from chitchat to wisdom. Mercury also represents measurements and instruments of all kinds as well!

Gemini is all about languages of course, along with all other means of communicating. The German word Schadenfreude means delighting in the suffering of others, and Schadenfreude is one of the underlying reasons people engage in gossip and endless talk about other people. But it inherently leads to mistrust, suspicion, separation, and ostracism, and causes more suffering.

Ancient eastern wisdom teaches us how to balance out the suffering inherent in schadenfreude through the practise of Mudita, meaning sympathetic joy or rejoicing in the good fortunes and blessings of others. If we truly understand what astrology is showing us, we can see that each of us is here to lead a unique life based on our karma, which is simply what has already happened leading up to our birth, as well as the consequences of our actions in daily life that lead to future outcomes.

The Judeo-Christian sin of coveting what our neighbour has falls into the same deep understanding: that we are all on our own journey. This means that jealousy, resentment, and schadenfreude are redundant to anyone who truly “gets” astrology.

The belief that we are separate and different from one another is what enables us to be violent towards others. On the Gemini level of relative everyday experience, this apparent separation is practical. Communication requires a certain amount of labelling and distinguishing – if you’ve ever tried to make yourself understood to someone who speaks a different language you know from experience how important it is to know the right words!

As Neptune in Pisces squares this new moon in Gemini, we can stay asleep in the delusion that we are separate from others and thinking that wanting another person – or another country – to suffer will not negatively impact our own lives. Or, we can wake up to the beautiful Neptunian energy of compassion and universality, knowing that we are inseparable from all life forms and what happens to one of us affects us all.

Mercury-ruled Gemini is about brothers and sisters, cousins and friends, and friendliness. Friendliness in Sanskrit is called Maitri, or Metta in the Pali language of the Buddha. Cultivating this loving kindness towards others – looking for what is good in each other – is deeply healing. The opposite is also true.

Which brings me to another Gemini keyword: choice. We are always making choices, even when we believe we are choosing not to choose. At this new moon in Gemini, reflect on what underpins your choices. Your own Peace of Mind will give you the answer to how well that is working for you.

Unlike Saturn-Ruled Capricorn or Solar Leo, Gemini is not a sign known for its integrity. This is because Mercury is all over the place, seeing greener grass everywhere but where it stands. As a mutable, or dual sign, Gemini can see both sides of a story, and like a good politician, can be all things to all people and saying what they think people want to hear. Just don’t look for substance! Here we can see how two famous Gemini leaders, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, perfectly reflect these qualities.

What are the choices you need or want to make now? What are they rooted in? Why do you have one opinion and not another?

Take some time in the next couple of days to set new intentions around how you communicate, and what it means to truly listen – and be heard.

Much love as always,

If you want to schedule an astrology session with me click here – I look forward to seeing you soon!

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