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The Lunar Nodes in Taurus & Scorpio – A New Focus for Everyone

The North Node (Rahu) will be moving through Taurus and the South Node (Ketu) will be in Scorpio from 19/1/22 – 17/7/23 – but the partial lunar eclipse of Friday, November 19th will already kick off this new cycle. Do pay attention to the surrounding days and weeks as they will surely provide you with important clues for the direction to take in the months ahead – just don’t start anything significant on or around eclipse days if you are looking for something to work out as planned!

We are moving into a new eclipse cycle – finishing up the previous one that started in May 2020 – so the focus of your life will change for the following 18 months. Get ready to welcome something new in the area of your life where you find the Tropical sign of Taurus, and let go of something you no longer need in your life wherever Tropical Scorpio is in your natal chart!

Values and how we relate to them will become more significant, individually and collectively. Any secrets that have operated in the background will be exposed in such a way as to force us to act in order to sustain ourselves economically and environmentally. Food security and supply chain issues are likely to be a feature of the next year and a half. Taurus is a pragmatic Earth sign, but can also be too fixated on material comforts! Simplify, simplify, simplify!

The partial eclipse of November 19th (beginning at 7:02 am CET and ending at 13:04 CET) will be somewhat visible in much of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America depending on the weather and time of day – the darker and clearer the sky, the better! This symbolizes widespread global changes ahead in the next 6-18 months starting from now, as there are so many countries and regions involved. According to tradition, eclipses were most relevant wherever they could be seen.

(This is also the nodal return for those born from 29 Mar 1952 to 9 Oct 1953, 20 Feb 1966 to 19 Aug 1967, 12 Sept 1984 to 6 Apr 1986, 15 Apr 2003 to 26 Dec 2004 – that means you will be experiencing an even greater sense of a new cycle beginning wherever you find Taurus in your birth chart, and a sense of letting go of a completed cycle where you find Scorpio!)

Take a look for your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon signs to see where the eclipse cycle will be active in your life:


The North Node (Rahu) moves into your house of money and values, adding a focus there that starts off a new 18-year cycle, and with the South Node (Ketu) in your house of shared resources, fears, and hidden (occult) learning, you might find yourself needing to be more self-reliant than ever in the next 18 months.


The North Node moves into your house of self, triggering a whole new cycle of how you and others see you, especially in important relationships. Some relationships will fall away – don’t look back, you are changing, and your boundaries and relationships need to reflect that.


Rahu moves into your house of hidden enemies (which includes you!), self-undoing, loss, long-distance journeys, important teachers, and foreigners. Be careful not to over-commit – the next 18 months will be a good time to retreat from some aspects of your life – a time to contemplate and reassess your life path. With Ketu in your house of daily routines and health, you might be able to overcome a longstanding health issue or bad habit that has been holding you back, which might also include letting go of a hectic job or daily schedule.


Rahu will be spending 18 months in your house of friendships, networks, future visions, and earnings. All of these will expand as of the November eclipse and provide opportunities to meet new people who will change and expand your horizons. Ketu is in the house of children, creativity, fun and love – look for that area of life to change as desires, responsibilities and projects fall away and transform between now and mid-2023.


Rahu will bring new opportunities in your house of career and social status – ambition will be the big theme for 2022 and 23! That will be accompanied by changes around your family and home life, or possibly your parents. Balancing your private and public lives will require some sensitivity and humility, and you may not be sure until 2023 what brings you the most joy. You will have to have your heart in your career or vocation, or it will feel like a chore.


Rahu is bringing your attention to your beliefs, religion, and life philosophy, as well as higher learning and international relations. It’s a great energy for publishing a book, depending on other aspects of your chart, or for moving into a new field of study or expertise. You might find a change in relations with siblings, neighbours and how you communicate with others. Old ways of doing things will need an upgrade, depending on your higher goals.


The North Node is in your house of shared resources and other people’s money – you are likely to benefit from a partner’s income or personal gain, or from an inheritance or some other pay-out, loan or financial relief. The South Node is in your house of earned income, so you might be saying goodbye to a source of income, or need to find new revenue streams due to financial changes.


Rahu is in the house of relationship, and Ketu is in your house of self. Something needs to change in your way of being in relationship with important people in your life (lovers, colleagues, clients, business partners). You will emerge quite changed from this 18-month period, and your relationships will also be renewed. Expect new people to come into your life, too. Your major point of focus will be on others, but always remember that relationships are made up of two individuals, and don’t lose track of your own needs!


Your work and daily life is the main focus for you as Rahu brings something new into your house of work, health and daily routines. Ketu is asking you to focus and be less scattered in the months ahead, letting go of bad habits and taking care of your overall health. A new job or a new way of working will be the major theme now.


Rahu has you more involved in the area of creativity, children, hobbies, entrepreneurship and love affairs – after some challenging years, it seems like things are finally lightening up! Ketu is transforming your goals and perhaps ways of earning a living, which will need to be adapted according to what most needs your attention in the 5th house. Let go of old acquaintances and networks that have outlived their purpose.


Rahu is passing through the 4th house representing your home, family, ancestors, emotional nature and personal psychology. This could be a time of reconciling the past, or healing psychological and emotional wounds connected with your lineage or your childhood. This can also represent a shift of emphasis on your living space, or moving to a new place. Your career or social status will take on less importance, or in some way will change so you can open up to new opportunities in a couple of years’ time.


Rahu will be expanding your third house of communications, siblings, neighbours, and local community, and might increase your competitive desires as well as your practical skills like languages. Something connected with your cousins, brothers or sisters can affect you in the next 18 months, or you might find a new way of relating to them or your neighbourhood. A shift away from what you believed to be true or relevant will have you needing to focus on day-to-day practicalities and less on the bigger picture. Teaching, learning or communicating in new ways becomes important, either personally or in connection with your work.

Best wishes for this coming cycle, and get in touch if you would like a more personalised astrology reading of your current situation.

With love and light,

Nurturing Transformation

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