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Uranus sparks change

Uranus Transits to natal Uranus

When Uranus transits (aspects) our natal Uranus we go through major periods of noticeable change! Uranus symbolises insight and awareness, disruption, sudden change, and innovation, leading to both breakthroughs and breakdowns at various stages of life. Uranus aspects to our natal Uranus by transit are always noticeable periods of growth and change at important stages throughout life.

Uranus Keywords:

Riots, revolution, resistance, rebellion, originality, individuation, quirkiness, breakdowns, breakthroughs, breakups, fashion and social trends, fads, genius, creative and original thinking, innovation, invention, insights, astrology, astrologers, awakening, lightning, sparks and electricity.

The more we understand the energy behind these Uranus aspects, the more we can learn from them and feel more comfortable in our skin. Here are the main Uranus Transits to natal Uranus – forewarned is forearmed!

Transiting Uranus Square Natal Uranus

Uranus in Taurus is currently square Uranus in Leo (Aug. 1955 – Aug. 1962) & Aquarius (April 1995 – Dec. 2003)

In an average lifetime, Uranus squares Uranus twice: first around 21 years old and again around 63 years old. Both periods describe a push to assert our individuality and unique mission in life, but in different ways.

As a young adult (technically with an adolescent brain until age 24 or so!), we strive find our way in the world where we are seen as either too young and inexperienced to make a substantial contribution or too volatile with radical ideas.

We can either slow our roll and try to fit into society’s box or turn up the volume and dare to be original. Most people take the middle way, staying tethered to social structures in one way while breaking the rules in other ways in order to navigate this frustrating period.

The second time around, as we enter our senior years around age 63, we’re challenged to demonstrate our relevance in a society that is now much younger than us. Any resistance to change is as much internal as external and depends on our personal notions of aging.

We question if we’re too old to do the things we still hope to achieve or experience, and if we have gathered some wisdom along the way, we hope somebody will be able to learn from it (or care enough to listen!).

If twenty years earlier (when transiting Uranus opposed our natal Uranus) we more or less aligned with a personal sense of mission and individuality, now we are likely to feel vital and free, and play a dynamic role in our community.

If not, we might have a sense of disappointment and frustration at where we are in life. In this case, changes are not only still possible but also necessary for us to feel fulfilled in this life.

The mid-life Crisis – Uranus Opposite Natal Uranus

Uranus in Taurus is currently Opposite Uranus in Scorpio (Nov. 1974 – Nov. 1981)

This transit usually happens between the ages of 41 and 43 years old. We might try to come back to our “lost youth” or what makes us feel “seen” and alive in this phase commonly known as the midlife crisis.

Chasing lost youth or a sense of missing out due to current obligations will happen if we don’t feel aligned with our life purpose and sense of self. In this case, love affairs, Botox, boob jobs, flashy cars, and quitting a detested job are likely to feature around this time.

Trying to relive some earlier sense of freedom (possibly – even probably – mythological) will likely clash with important aspects of our lives as they are at this time: our important relationships, our career or work, our family obligations, or simply our diet and lifestyle.

This is the time in our life when any inappropriate – or no longer appropriate – choices need to be rectified. Impulsive behaviour can cause a lot of harm to ourselves and others and might be at the root of why we feel so restless now.

Change is unavoidable at this time! But – importantly – this also means changing our own behaviour or perspective on life rather than just trying to change what it looks like on the outside and dragging our unreformed self along into an unstable future.

This is by far the transit that leads people to request an astrology session with me! It’s a confusing and challenging period of life, when we are juggling work and family obligations along with personal goals and desires. Book a consultation with me here to know how best to navigate your way to your unique life expression.

a taste of personal freedom! When Uranus transits Natal Uranus by Trine

Uranus in Taurus is currently Trine Uranus in Virgo (Nov. 1961 – June 1969) & Capricorn (Feb. 1988 – Jan. 1996)

We experience this stimulating transit twice in life—first at twenty-eight then again at fifty-six, twenty-eight years later. Both times these special Uranus transits happen during the year or so before the Saturn return.

This transit can bring a burst of energy that helps us remember who we are and brings our inherent qualities and goals to the surface. We find it easier to align with people who share our sense of purpose and values and loosen our connections with those who don’t.

Clearly these two periods have a very different flavour: In our late 20s we want to be free from the restrictions that we have followed up to now, whether we chose to do so consciously or not.

In our late 50s we’re much less concerned with what anyone else expects and might want to revive old goals from years ago, knowing that we still have some life left in us while also being aware that time is ticking on.

This is also a good time to review how we have changed over the past 14 years since the Uranus opposition of our early 40s and make any course corrections that might be needed to better align with our sense of purpose.

When Uranus Conjuncts Natal Uranus

Uranus in Taurus is currently Conjunct Uranus in Taurus (June 1934 – May 1942)

Uranus conjuncts our natal Uranus (also called “the Uranus return”) around our 83rd or 84th year of life and roughly coincides with the seventh “Jupiter return” that happens around the same time. This signifies the transition point of two important new cycles in life if we are lucky enough to get there.

At this point, we will likely have fulfilled our worldly dharma, or responsibilities, and dealt with all the challenges that implies. There might be a sense of regret around what we didn’t dare to do, or how much we compromised against our better judgement or for reasons of security. At the end of life, people tend to regret the things they didn’t attempt to do even more than the things they actually did (even if those things didn’t go as planned!).

If we have lived our life in awareness of its true nature and our role in it this can be a rich and rewarding time. We can reflect on our legacy, our creativity, and our participation and see it reflected in the lives of the people around us.

If we didn’t realign with our unique purpose in the middle-age years we can use this time to resolve inner or outer conflicts and learn the life lessons that come from them. This doesn’t require years of reflection! We can understand our place in this life in a flash of insight – a typically Uranian influence.

Spiritual insights and understanding (supported by the new Jupiter cycle, always about lessons of wisdom and integrity) can help us make peace with the end of our life in either case, regardless of how much time we have left.

Do you want to learn about how Uranus is triggering changes in your life right now and how best to handle it? Book a consultation with me here!

If you want to read about how Uranus in Taurus (from 2018 to 2025) is influencing us collectively, read my blog from May 2018.

Uranus transits to natal Uranus mark key turning points in our lives!
Nurturing Transformation

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