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Why do you eat?

We rarely eat because we’re hungry!

Many of the reasons we eat throughout the day have very little to do with our body’s physiological needs, so it’s helpful to tune into those impulses as a mindfulness exercise that builds understanding and willpower.

Why do you eat?

In our modern consumer culture we eat for all sorts of reasons, but almost never because we’re genuinely hungry.

Carrot Cake and Green Tea
While waiting for the Eurostar at London’s St Pancras Station, I enjoyed this carrot cake as a last indulgence before starting my month long Āyurvedic cleanse.
Yes, it was delicious, and no, I couldn’t finish it!

So, why do you eat?

Notice how often you eat because you feel anxious or bored, or because the clock is telling you it’s time to eat, or because others are eating and you don’t want to feel awkward.

There are a lot of conditioning factors that have taught you it’s time to eat, or maybe you eat for emotional reasons, or because you’re avoiding something, or need a little more stability because you’re feeling a bit ungrounded…

Being mindful of your own impulses to eat is a foundation for your good, sustainable health, because eating when we aren’t genuinely hungry throws your whole system off balance.

This affects our (inseparable) physical and mental states and will eventually lead to toxicity, which leads to disease.

Practice getting in touch with your own digestive fire and your own cues that let you know food is fully digested and your body is ready to eat something else.

Take time in the evening to review your day.

Look back on the day to notice why you chose to eat – was it just out of habit or was it simply what was in the fridge, or you didn’t want to waste food, or it was quick and easy, etc. Also make a note of your emotional state while you were eating – how did you feel before eating, during the meal, and after you ate?

If you have the time to do that throughout the day that’s ideal, otherwise just take 10 minutes before bedtime to reflect on your day.

Make a note of what type of digestive fire (Agni) you experienced overall for that day – that is directly connected to how energetic you feel:

  • Was it low Agni with low appetite, low digestion, you didn’t feel hungry?
  • Or was it strong Agni and you felt really hungry and wanted to eat every few hours – like you needed something to fuel your body?
  • Or was it variable? Perhaps you were hungry in the morning and had a big breakfast and then you really had no appetite for the rest of the day?
  • Or did it feel balanced and you felt contented and well in between meals?

Practice identifying these important things, because knowing why you eat and being aware of your digestive strength is a foundation of your good health!
To learn lots more about how to feel great and keep yourself well, join me (literally) as of October 6th as I lead you through the last 28-day guided home cleanse of 2021!

Nurturing Transformation

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